The California Department of Public Health released its Guidance for Institutions of Higher Education on Aug. 7, 2020. USC is currently reviewing and analyzing this guidance and will collaborate with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and other authorities to determine its impact on our plans to repopulate our campuses.
Category: Latest
USC’s Vice President for Student Affairs Winston Crisp shares behavioral expectations for students living on or near campus this fall.
USC’s Office of International Services shares an update with incoming and continuing international students regarding the fall semester.
USC is proud to be an open and publicly accessible campus. However, due to the unprecedented COVID-19 public health situation, we are currently limiting access.
We do not yet have clearance from the state or county to move forward with classroom instruction. Given the delay in receiving the required permission, we have made the difficult decision to begin the fall semester with fully remote instruction with limited exceptions for clinical education.
Provost Charles Zukoski shares an update for the fall semester regarding student fees, student testing and student workers.
Vice President for Student Affairs Winston Crisp shares important information with new students about the fall 2020 Welcome Experience.
View an update related to the charges for the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) that will be reflected in students’ fall 2020 tuition statements.
USC Student Health is initiating population testing (“Pop. Testing”) of COVID-19 with the external company, Color, to begin the week of Aug. 3, 2020. The ongoing testing is part of the university’s overall testing strategy to identify, isolate, contact trace and contain new infections.
Many of you have questions about off-campus student housing and leases you have signed with third party providers. We understand this is an area of great concern, and that it’s been extraordinarily difficult to plan for the fall semester and finalize your housing decisions. We want to provide an update on what we know, and answer some general questions you may have.