Scott Fraser is an explorer through invention
Scott Fraser, USC's Director of Science Initiatives
As USC’s director of science initiatives and director of the Translational Imaging Center, Scott Fraser has a hand in a wide array of research endeavors, from applied physics to neurobiology. (Illustration/Brosmind)

“In many labs, when people leave, they go from being a family member to being a competitor — the ‘enemy.’ We’ve tried to minimize that by encouraging scientists when they leave to take their project with them, if they want to.”

USC Bovard College Graduate Makes Lasting Impact on LGBTQ+ Curriculum
USC Bovard College graduate, Charli Gross
When online MSHRM student Charli Gross expressed his concerns over the program's LGBTQ+ course section, his professor quickly acknowledged Gross’ criticism to the class and started the process of updating the curriculum. (Photo / Courtesy of Charli Gross)

“It’s so important to remember that as things change, everyone is going to make mistakes…It isn’t about not making mistakes. It’s all about how we recover from them because mistakes are inevitable.”

USC Price professor launches Hispanic Well-Being Initiative
USC Price Professor, Emma Aguila, giving a talk at a conference
USC Price School Associate Professor Emma Aguila at the International Conference on Aging in the Americas. (Photo / Thomas Queally)

“It’s important to have cross-country comparisons because it allows us to get a better picture. We’re able to observe the whole population and understand their health better.”

When he’s not helping students spin tales, he’s spinning records
USC Dornsife Professor Christopher Muniz
Chris Muniz says that DJing and writing an essay have more in common than one might think. (Photo / Courtesy of Chris Muniz)

“Preparing for a set is almost the same as preparing for writing an essay. You’re auditioning ideas, you’re figuring out what goes in what order, you’re thinking about your audience or your reader.”

‘Nowhere better than USC’: New provost given a Trojan welcome at installation ceremony
USC's Provost Andrew Guzman at a podium delivering remarks
Andrew T. Guzman speaks to the crowd at his installation ceremony on September 23, 2023. (USC Photo / Gus Ruelas)

“I see a place that’s at the very front edge of changing the world in which we live for the better — from finding treatments for Alzheimer’s, to innovations in AI, to defending our democracy, to expanding the frontiers of art.”

Tackling Climate Change with the Help of “Coffee Filters for Molecules”
Luis Francisco Villalobos
Assistant Professor in the Mork Family Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science Luis Francisco Villalobos.

“I love to do research with a reason. I’m passionate about the applications that we are targeting to make a difference and decrease the amount of energy we spend on separations. I’m really happy that I’ll be able to collaborate with experts in both areas to push forward the development of the next-generation membranes that can tackle these challenges.”

“You’re Never Alone:” Leveraging Technology to Prevent Sexual Assault
Co-founders of Brave, Kian Abrishami and Taylor Vangrin, smile and give a "Fight On"
Brave Co-Founders Kian Abrishami and Taylor Vangrin (Photo / Courtesy of Taylor Vangrin)

“We’re trying to prevent all the dangers that could come from being intoxicated and underage at a party, including sexual violence. All students need a way to stay connected and to instantly notify their friends any time they feel vulnerable.”

Velina Hasu Houston has been carving out her place since she was a girl
Velina Hasu Houston
Velina Hasu Houston is USC resident playwright and Distinguished Professor of Theatre in Dramatic Writing at the USC School of Dramatic Arts. (Photo/Monique Yamaguch)

“With regard to openness and fairness, we must be active and intentional about how we teach, create and indeed live our lives to make sure that students feel comfortable in the room and to ensure equal access to all.”

Erik Brink named USC senior vice president, finance, and chief financial officer
USC SVP Finance and Chief Financial Officer, Erik Brink
Erik Brink has served as USC interim senior vice president, finance, since January. (USC Photo/Gus Ruelas)

“We have some pretty ambitious goals, and I think we’re doing great things for society. I feel like there’s currently such a spirit of optimism on our campuses, and I look forward to doing everything I can to make sure that my team and I support new developments…”

Entrepreneur Turns to USC EMHA Program to Help Found Health Care Startup
USC alum, Ryan Nazar, sitting in a chair
Alumnus Ryan Nazar says the EMHA program and his USC connections continue to influence how he approaches his work at startup Practical Healthcare — as well as the industry at large. (Photo / Courtesy of Ryan Nazar)

“Listen to yourself first and foremost. Realize that you can write your own story while at USC and take advantage of that. Whatever you choose to do, make sure that it’s something that aligns with you and that you’re following your success and your vision.”