“Once you start giving, it becomes a humbling and gratifying experience that motivates you to give even more and make a positive impact.”
Category: We Are SC Story
“The link between these injuries and neurodegenerative diseases like CTE and dementia is an urgent research priority.”
“These kinds of innovations, which almost reimagine courts as administrative agencies and service providers, carry the potential to improve access to justice, but also carry new risks.”
“It was challenging at the start, but I believe we’re in a comfortable place now with room to continue to grow and develop. And I look forward, so much, to more collaboration throughout the years.”
This is the moment. It would not be possible before, perhaps because we did not know what is now known, and if we wait much longer, we’re gonna lose the chance.
“I’m going to school with these bright, awesome go-getters. But you can’t separate age from being a veteran and my experiences.”
“These grants show that our faculty are engaged in cutting edge research that has the potential to make major contributions to the field of education. We are extremely proud of those who have received these awards.”
“I think it’s really eye-opening for students to see just how much diversity and variety there can be in these influencer campaigns…But in reality, there’s a lot more choice, variety and often many better ways to spend your money than that.”
“I’ve studied past leaders. I tried to learn from their mistakes and their successes … In order to win this election, you had to be very strategic and motivated.”
“Annenberg gave me all the tools I needed in my toolbox when it comes to communicating…Some of the broadcasting classes helped me realize that I’m constantly selling myself, whether it’s an interview after a game or going to a networking event for business opportunities.”