Announcing the USC Leonard D. Schaeffer Institute for Public Policy & Government Service

Our longtime trustee Leonard D. Schaeffer and his late wife, Pamela, have given USC that opportunity with a transformational $59 million gift to establish the USC Leonard D. Schaeffer Institute for Public Policy & Government Service. This new institute, which will be anchored at the USC Capital Campus in Washington, D.C, will educate the next generation about government service and will conduct research to support evidence-based policy.

Announcing the inaugural director of the USC School of Advanced Computing

Today, I am excited to announce that Dr. Gaurav Sukhatme has been appointed the inaugural director of USC’s new School of Advanced Computing. This vibrant new hub is central to USC’s $1B-plus, 10-year Frontiers of Computing presidential moonshot. 

Your voice matters. Take the USC Culture Survey.

Our spring semester is now well underway, and I have never been more appreciative to be part of this institution. At USC, we have an inspiring mission that affords us the opportunity to shape the world’s future through our contributions in every field imaginable.

President Folt’s Spring Semester Welcome

Welcome back, Trojans! Hope you’ll check this video out and enjoy some highlights of the term ahead. Fight on!

Announcing the next Vice Provost for Academic and Faculty Affairs

It is my pleasure to announce that Suzanne Wenzel will serve as the next Vice Provost for Academic and Faculty Affairs, effective January 1, 2024.

Training exercise for an active shooter incident on December 14

This Thursday, December 14, DPS will partner with the Los Angeles Police Department, Los Angeles Fire Department, and others in a drill at the University Park Campus that will simulate an active shooter situation.

Announcing Brett Steele as the Dean of the USC School of Architecture

On behalf of President Folt, I am pleased to announce that we will welcome Brett Steele as dean of the USC School of Architecture, effective February 1, 2024. Dean Steele will hold the Della & Harry MacDonald Dean’s Chair in Architecture.

Message from Provost Guzman and SVP Washington

We write to share the exciting news that our colleague, Christopher Manning, Vice President and Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer (CIDO), will be leaving USC on February 2, 2024, to serve as Vice President for Student Affairs and Campus Diversity at San Diego State University.

Update on Free Speech, Expectations and Policies

We would like to direct you to our website on freedom of expression. We designed this site to help everyone better understand free speech at USC.

Naloxone and Drug Take Back Day (Nov. 16)

On November 16, USC Pharmacies will be running the Fall Drug Take Back Day, where students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to drop off unused drugs that they no longer intend to use.