February 26, 2025
Dear Trojan Family,
Over the past month, I have heard from many of you regarding federal guidance on issues that could have significant ramifications for universities across the country. We appreciate there is uncertainty and I’m writing to update you on how USC is reviewing and responding to these recently issued executive orders and federal agency directives.
For more than 70 years, America’s leading research universities have made our nation stronger. USC, as an exemplar of that strength, is a vibrant academic community in continual pursuit of excellence and in service to our community. Throughout our history, we have been a catalyst for increasing knowledge, fostering innovation, conducting groundbreaking research, and advancing opportunity, social mobility, and economic prosperity through outstanding educational and outreach programs. We develop our students – and society as a whole – through the enrichment of the human mind and spirit.
USC’s commitment to our special mission is unwavering and we deliver on its promise in partnership with the federal government. In fiscal year 2024, for example, we received approximately $1.35 billion in federal funding, including $650 million in student financial aid and $569 million for federally funded research and discovery.
The executive orders, agency directives, and a Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR) “Dear Colleague” letter address topics related to federal research funding, diversity, equity, inclusion, and immigration. Earlier this month, we shared the contents of these directives with you to provide you with the latest federal guidance and centralize all related university communications, and we will continue to answer your questions. Some directives include short timeframes for enforcement, although legal challenges could impact timing. We will continue to update this page as new information becomes available.
I want to reassure you that my senior leadership team and I are doing everything we can to understand these complex issues in real time. We’re also working across higher education with key partners – including the AAU, Big Ten Academic Alliance, American Association of Medical Colleges, American Hospital Association, and Research America – to share ideas, explore options, and advocate for our mission and our impact. In addition, our leadership team has been in direct contact with members of Congress and critical federal agencies as we navigate the changing environment.
Our colleagues here and across the country are united in our determination that America’s great research institutions remain leaders in the world. Our universities are crucial for national security, competitiveness, and prosperity, and have always evolved to meet current challenges and opportunities.
Our community will continue to excel because we are home to an extraordinary mix of cultures, opinions, backgrounds, hopes, and talents. We grow and benefit from every individual’s contribution. USC is steadfast in our commitment to learning from our differences, supporting each other in myriad ways, and creating a sense of place and belonging vital to achieving the promise of our mission.
Moving forward, we will continue to review our programs and practices to ensure both that their direct relationship to our academic mission is clear, and that we comply fully with evolving legal requirements. USC’s greatest legacy is that we prepare students to succeed, ensuring we remain a place of opportunity, a strong economic engine, a protector of integrity and civility, and a source of advances in the public good.
When I walk across our campuses, I see a place like no other, where joy, creativity, success, and excellence thrive. It’s the Trojan Spirit in action – and I know we’ll continue to do great things together for our community, for our country, and for humanity.
Fight On!
Carol L. Folt