To: USC Students, Faculty, and Staff
From: David Wright
Senior Vice President, Administration
Date: December 12, 2022
Subject: Active shooter drill on December 15
The USC Department of Public Safety regularly partners with other first responder agencies in drills to help law enforcement officials practice working together in response to a critical situation.
This Thursday, December 15, DPS will partner with the Los Angeles Police Department, Los Angeles Fire Department, and others in a drill at the University Park Campus that will simulate an active shooter situation. The recent tragedy at the University of Virginia underscores the need for these drills as part of our training to handle critical incidents.
The drill will be on the west side of campus at Grace Ford Salvatori Hall, and participants also will be in the Epstein Family Plaza and outside Ronald Tutor Hall.
To create a more realistic drill, we will use visual and audio effects to set the stage, including the use of replica weapons and actors with simulated injuries. The fire department officials will remove “injured” actors and attend to their injuries nearby. Additionally, University Communications, the Office of Threat Assessment and Management, Campus Support & Intervention, and Counseling & Mental Health will participate in the response as they would in a real event.
Please anticipate seeing a large number of uniformed officers on campus on the day of the drill. Parking Lot 2 will be closed until 2 p.m., and the Watt Way entrance will be closed from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. If at all possible, please avoid the areas in which the drill will take place on Thursday, December 15.
Participants will begin to gather on campus at 8 a.m. The first drill will start at around 10 a.m., and a second drill will start at around 1 p.m.
We appreciate your understanding as we work with our partners in law enforcement to ensure we are all appropriately trained and coordinated for emergency responses at the university. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact DPS at (213) 740-6000.