Executive Orders and Agency Memos

Many of you have questions about the recent executive orders and agency memos. To help track these and related university communications, we have created this website. The orders are organized into three areas: 1) Research, Grants, Contracts, and Funds; 2) University Policy; 3) University Communications. Each area will list executive orders or actions chronologically with links to the official federal website or the appropriate originating website.

Our mission, like that of other top research universities, is a national strength. We are in close contact with our congressional members, state legislators, and national partners – such as the Association of American UniversitiesBig Ten Academic AllianceAmerican Association of Medical CollegesAmerican Hospital Association, and Research America – to analyze orders, provide background materials, and advocate for continued federal support.

Our senior leadership team carefully studies each executive order to evaluate its potential impact on our campus. We are in close contact with our 23 deans and the more than 2,000 members of our research community to ensure they are abreast of matters as we learn of them in real time. Full understanding takes time, especially when the courts are involved, so we appreciate your patience when we do not communicate as soon as an EO is released. The website will be updated frequently, with information on key topics, and links to resources added as they become available.

Please know that we are committed to supporting our community through these changes. We urge everyone to continue doing the good work you do every day to support our mission.